It helps justify cost enhancements to existing system functionality by directly associating business needs and justification to a given IT initiative. 它可直接将业务需求和给定IT活动的调整相关联,从而帮助确定对现有系统功能的成本的增加。
It also indirectly helps in simplifying the process of cost justification for IT budgets within an enterprise. 它还可以间接地帮助简化企业内IT预算的成本确定流程。
Define for the measurement project expected benefits, cost analysis, and justification. 详细说明测量预期收益、成本分析和理由的项目测量方法。
Able to navigate the basic sales process. negotiation, cost justification, demonstration ability and objection handling are suggested core skills. 能够操纵基本销售流程。谈判,价格核准,处理反对意见的能力都是技能的核心。
When trying to cost justify a new system, the team developing the justification will be tempted to generate a laundry list of goals. 当尝试去验证一个套新的系统时,团队发展系统的正确性会引起一系列目标。
So it is necessary to estimate the supervision cost scientifically and rationally to set up the price system of the supervision market and work out the standard for supervision charges based on the principles of "conformance, complexity, suitability, justification and conditionality". 因此,应科学合理地测算监理成本,建立监理市场价格体系,按照符合性、综合性、适用性、合理性、条件性原则制定操作性强的监理费标准。